Thursday, August 19, 2010

July 2010 : Skiing in Queenstown, New Zealand

Well we manage to live a busy and hectic life at the moment... ahem... and just about squeezed in a week's skiing in New Zealand into our hectic schedule!

We flew into Christchurch where we stayed for one night, at the Hotel SO : I am sure that this type of hotel will get more popular... really small room, but funky as you like, mood lights, flourescent shower lights, free wifi, corner bed which doubles as cool sofa : great for one night, but not enough room to swing a cat. Or a bag full of ski gear. Christchurch is known as the garden city and the most English of cities outside of England, so home from home!

Next Day we flew into Queenstown, and witnessed one of the most stunning aircraft landings ever : it cuts so close through the mountains that the captain even has to give a 'do not be alarmed' announcement. Those on facebook can check out a video which I posted.

Then after a days relaxation in Queenstown, spent around the fabulous Lake Wakatipu, and sorting out ski hire, we hit the slopes! Biggest decision is which ski resort to go to - there are two very close to Queenstown, and 3-4 further afield - tough choices, but as fairly novice skiiers we opted for Coronet Peak, more green and blue slopes than anywhere else!

First off, 3 days lesson and ski package in Coronet Peak : about 30 mins away by bus, quite weird getting used to the high snow line at first : you travel for 28 mins through green countryside, then the snow appears quite late for the last 2 minutes of the journey, a lot different than in Switzerland say, where the resorts are much higher! These 3 days were great and the lessons really helped, where we also met some cool people - I think we only fell once each which was pretty amazing for us!

After that a day off to relax, where we, er, decided to walk up a mountain... which actually tired me out more than skiing. Doh. I never learn.

Then next to the Remarkables resort : Al had another lesson here which we blagged because at the last resort on the last lesson, the instructor appeared to have been on 'dope' he was so spaced out. I spent the morning exploring until al joined me. Quite a small ski area, so glad that we only spent one day here. Plus there were 2 many boarder dudes, and Al and I ended up in a 'heated debate' with one such idiot on a chairlift. Al has quite colourful language when faced with brainless morons.

The final and 5th days skiiing we chose to go further afield to Cardrona - there was fresh snow overnight, so the journey was a little tedious - snow chains on, snow chains off, snow chains on, snow chains off etc. And though the snow was fantastic, it was bitterly cold - the kind of cold where you want to curl up in front of a warm fire! We made it through to lunch (just), and some hot chocolate then finally the sun came out. This was by far the best ski resort - wide open tracks, great snow, and scenery, and the biggest ski area for beginners and intermediates. This great day was topped off by sharing a 28" Veggie pizza downtown afterwards, equally stunning!

Then it was time to head back to Oz : brilliant week!

Cheers, Brad & Al

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    Such a nice post along with a beautiful picture. This picture is defining a lot about Queenstown Ski Hire. Thank you too much.....
