A few years back I wrote one of my more popular blogs on a condition called aerosinusitis, (click here) or plane brain as it was referred to in this article in the Daily Mail. The fact that my blog article was viewed some two and a half thousand times made me realise I wasn't alone.
I'm not talking about a minor headache caused by the everyday stresses of flying due to any combination of last minute packing, traffic delays en route, missed connections, having to fight for overhead bin space, or having your personal space invaded by some alien in the next seat. This is much worse.
May 2014 Newport, Victoria
This little farmers market takes place in the car park at the Substation the first and third Sundays of each month. Those familar with Farmers markets will know what to expect; an eclectic mix of food stalls selling everything from organic fresh fruit and veg, to freshly baked bread and cakes, and dips, jams, and much much more. The joy of visiting the markets is always the tasting experience, and the stall holders are happy to share the fruits of their labour. Prices are pretty steep compared to your local supermarket, but you're paying for something that little bit different. I wouldn't normally pay $8 for a bag of mis-shaped dark chocolate pieces, but oh my god, was it worth it! Best time to vsiit the market is the first Sunday of the month, when it's just a hop skip and a jump to the artists market next door!
May 2014, Newport Victoria
This interesting little market has been held on the first Sunday of every month since 2009. The stall holders are a mixture of the more traditional artists and then some of the more unorthodox craftspeople, so there's a little bit of something for everyone. It's held in the Substation, which is a dedicated space in Newport for local arts and culture. The building is a bit of a gem, and worthy of a visit in its own right. Throw in a coffee shop, some live classical music, and the farmers market outside and you have a perfect way to spend your Sunday morning. You'll find the Substation just next door to Newport train station, about 20 minutes from Melbourne CBD.
Altona, Western Suburbs April 2014
There are few nicer ways to spend your autumn evenings, than enjoying a relaxing stroll with your wife along the sea front at Altona. This was a particularly calm and clear evening, with a delightfully colourful dusk skyline.
April 2014, You Yangs, Victoria.
We often go walking in the bushland of the You Yangs National park, around forty five minutes south west of Melbourne, and thoroughly enjoy it. I finally got round to taking our mountain bike down there this holiday weekend. Absolutely brilliant! Boy do I regret that taking me four years to get round to.
There are two designated biking areas, containing over 50km of excellent tracks. I tried the easier and flatter Kurrajong Plantation area, that consists of three loop tracks of around 20km, and route 15 which has a few jumps and high bank turns to muck around on. This area is designed for riders of all abilities, and since it was the first time I had been mountain biking since the early 2000's with my PCWB chums, I was happy to ease my way back into the saddle. Plus our mountain bike dates back over 15 years old, and even though we recently had it serviced, it's lacking any form of suspension, and frankly would scare the crap out of me going hell for leather down hill. read more...
Something interesting has happened in the world of hostels over the past few years. A very subtle but important change. If you look closely, the word youth has all but disappeared from hostels around the world. Even the YHA never goes by its full name anymore, just by its trendy three letter acronym. Which is great news for those of us over 30, who aren't ready to hang up our backpacks just yet. Backpacking and hostels go hand in hand, and our memories of travelling the world are built from the unique experience of sharing budget accommodation with like minded explorers.
Want to get in on the action? Don't let your age stop you. Modern hostels can be light years ahead of the crusty old dorms of yesteryear - they now come fully loaded with private rooms, en-suite bathrooms, barbecues, terraces, open fires and designer kitchens. And they still offer the best travelling experiences you can find.
There are still plenty of dives out there, and everyone has their own hosteling horror stories, and a few of mine are included below. If you haven't used a hostel before and you're over 30, or you just need a refresher course, then this guide might just well save your life. Or at very least, a good night's seep. Read on:
April 2014, Point Cook, Melbourne.
Point Cook is the place I call home, and a place often ridiculed by Melbournians, much like the west side of the city as a whole. The most common argument is that it lacks culture or soul, and admittedly it's pretty hard to argue against. After all, that's the downside of any new and purpose built residential suburb. It takes time for a new town to define itself and find its purpose. What frustrates me are the naysayers claiming there is nothing to do. If they ever dared leave the city, they would soon realise that west side of Melbourne has easy access to national parks and raw countryside that most Melbournians can only dream about.